Mayland Parish Council

Welcome to the website of

Mayland Parish Council


Thank you to all those who filled our survey on the new Neighbourhood Plan.

The Summary for the draft plan has now been sent to Maldon District Council

We are now at the stage of completing a public consultation. The link to complete the survey is here


The Audit for the year 2023/24 is now completed. To view the accounts, visit our Finances page here


Mayland Parish Council are now holding meetings in the Lawling Park Hall. If you would like to attend then please email the Clerk on

We will try and pass on any information that we get to residents.

Please stay safe.

Mayland Parish Council takes the lead in many areas and has responsibility for the public open spaces within the village. These include the Nature Reserve, the Lawling Park and areas abutting the river front.

Please note Mayland Parish Council’s change of e-mail address to

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Neighbourhood Plan

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